The learning environment at our Centre is guided by Australia's first National Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) for Early Childcare Educators.
The curriculum encompasses all the interactions, experiences, routines and events, planned and unplanned, that occur in an environment designed to foster childrens learning and development.
Working in partnerships with families, Educators use the EYLF Learning Outcomes to guide the planning for childrens learning.
To engage children actively in learning, Educators identify childrens strengths and interest, choose appropriate teaching strategies, and design the learning environment.
Learning is assessed to inform further planning 'Belonging, Being and Becoming', the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
We cover the following learning areas:
Maths, Numbers, Letters & Sounds
(Literacy and Numeracy)
Children will start to learn how to do the following:
Recognise and write their own name
Recognise and write numerals
Recognise sounds
Learn words that rhyme through stories
Develop an understanding of more complex terms like nouns, verbs and adjectives
Develop an understanding of syllables and sounds of words through playing games
Listening skills are developed through stories, group projects and interactive games
Children will be involved in discussing the date, the days of the week and the month of the year each day
Name Writing & Other Manipulative and Fine Motor Experiences (Small Muscles)
Children need fine motor muscles to ensure they are able to easily hold objects. Our educators engage children in the experiences below, to effectively build their strength and increase their fine motor abilities.
Drawing (name and number writing)
Cutting with scissors along straight and patterned lines
Threading needles, sewing and weaving
Play dough and many more
Self-Help Skills
Before children go to school they need to have basic self help skills.
Our teachers help children master the following skills:
How to pack and zip up their own bag
How to button their own shirt, and put on their shoes and socks
Social and Emotional
Social and emotional development is significant during the preschool years. At Oberon Childrens Centre we foster social interactions and encourage children to share activities, experiences and projects.
Educators provide role plays and social stories to facilitate positive behaviour and encourage the children to develop positive values and beliefs
Friendships are encouraged during play
Children learn co-operation, patience and turn taking through group exercises and role plays
Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their belongings and their behaviour (children look after their own lockers and take responsibility in tidying the room)
Children also begin to understand how to show empathy and sympathy
(PE) Physical Education - Gross Motor
Gross motor development refers to the large muscles in our bodies. These muscles enable us to walk, run, skip and jump.
At Oberon Childrens Centre we aim to develop each child's:
We encourage activities involving:
Team games and sport
The obstacle course
Kicking and throwing balls
Doing forward somersaults and sausage rolls
Music, Movement and Dance
Children of all ages enjoy music and enjoy dancing. Group dance and movement is another important aspect of school life. At Oberon Childrens Centre we program music and movement, dancing and singing.
Music and movement extends children's language skills, co-ordination, balance, strength, cognitive and thinking skills and encourages positive social behaviour with peers. Music and movement also encourages individual expression. The children really enjoy these experiences.
Art and Craft
Art and craft is a wonderful experience for children. They are able to use their own imagination to be creative.
Some art and craft mediums used at Oberon Childrens Centre are:
Painting and many more